QA Named National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Queen of Angels Catholic School has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a 2019 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. At 1:00pm, Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, announced the significance of this recognition and presented the schools who were to receive this year’s honor. In her video address, Secretary DeVos stated,
” We recognize and honor your important work in preparing students for successful careers and meaningful lives. As a National Blue Ribbon School, your school demonstrates what is possible when committed educators hold all students and staff to high standards and create vibrant, innovative cultures of teaching and learning.”
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence. Queen of Angels has been named as an Exemplary High Performing School and among Georgia’s highest performing schools as measured by nationally normed tests. This recognition is significant, as the National Blue Ribbon website states,” The National Blue Ribbon School logo gracing an entry or flying overhead is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning.”
Each year the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates the highest achieving American schools with up to 420 schools nominated for this distinction. This year, only 362 schools will be honored — 312 public and 50 non-public schools. In 2018, 90% of non-public schools receiving this award were Catholic Schools — a testament to the excellence of Catholic education. This recognition not only affirms the academic quality of Queen of Angels, but also validates the dedication of our students, faculty, staff, administration, families, and community.
Since receiving the Blue Ribbon in 2007, the founding philosophy and principles on which the award was granted remains in place today, along with many advancements made to meet the challenges associated with the current educational climate and with a commitment to student and family engagement.