Program Evaluation
How We Evaluate Our Program
Queen of Angels Catholic School uses both formative and summative assessments to evaluate the program. The school administers the complete battery of Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (IOWA) in grades K-7 and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) in Grades 2, 5, and 7. Scores provide administration and faculty an “external” view of student performance that is independent of our own assessment of learning. Professional development meetings are designated to review and analyze data in an in-depth manner to ensure students are engaged in learning, working to potential, and meeting success.
Faculty are adept with on-line program assessments (STAR, Accelerated Reader, Moby Max, Redbird, IXL), running records, DIBELS progress monitoring, and unit test data to inform instruction. Formative assessments are used in creative ways (e.g. exit tickets, warm ups, skits, discussions, GimKit, SeeSaw, and Socrative Apps) before assigning summative projects, quizzes, and tests. Instructional strategies and teaching materials are continuously re-evaluated in light of these assessments. The school utilizes data in creating long range achievement goals for each subject area and develops action plans to meet these goals. Curriculum maps are in place for each discipline and periodically reviewed by administration to check for gaps, overlaps, and make curricular adjustments. Professional development activities are specifically targeted to increase student achievement and assist in curriculum assessment, development, and realignment.