Spiritual Life
Spiritual Life at Queen of Angels
At Queen of Angels Catholic School, students and families have many opportunities to grow in the Catholic faith. Rooted in a clearly defined mission, the spiritual life is evident in every aspect of the school. We believe parents are the primary educators of their children. A strong partnership between the school and the home is a major tenet of the school’s philosophy. We strive to establish a family-centered school that models our faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ. Students receive age appropriate religious instruction provided by diocesan guidelines within a Christ-centered learning community. We encourage students, parents, teachers, and staff to nurture and develop their own religious faith and spirituality by taking advantage of the many opportunities integrated into the school day and throughout the calendar year that include:
• Daily prayer at the beginning, middle, and end of each school day
• Mass celebrated weekly and on Holy Days
• Service to parishes and community
• Special prayer services
• Rosary recited school-wide in October and May
• Advent and Lent observances
• May Crowning
• Retreats for Grades 6-8
• Service projects for each grade level
• Celebration of Catholic Schools Week
• Reconciliation, Adoration, Living Stations of the Cross
• QA Prayer Group
• E-Pray
• Sunshine Angels and Spiritual Angels
Worshipping as a community is central to the faith development of students. Each Friday, the entire school attends mass at St. Peter Chanel. Students are active participants and accept responsibility for preparing the readings of the day, being lectors, ushers, altars servers, and members of the choir. Special Masses are designated to honor Grandparents, Veterans, the annual May Crowning, and All Saints’ Day.