Liturgy & Prayer
Liturgical and Paraliturgical Celebrations
Celebrations throughout the year follow the liturgical calendar to support and enhance the Catholic identity of Queen of Angels.
Through a solid faith foundation and understanding of how we relate to Christ through the Church and most deeply through the Eucharist, students are given the tools to grow into responsible members of society and the Church. Prayer is central to our daily life and includes school-wide morning prayer, special intentions during class, grace before meals, at dismissal, and often for special needs in the local community and world.
Mass Schedule-Weekly Masses are at St. Peter Chanel at 8:30am.
Adoration - Students attend Eucharistic Adoration as a class twice a year during the seasons of Advent and Lent and are encouraged to participate in Adoration with their families outside of school.
Reconciliation - Students in Grades 3 through 8 have the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Students are encouraged to receive this sacrament regularly in their parishes.
Living Stations of the Cross - During the season of Lent, our 8th grade students participate in the Living Stations of the Cross in which each 8th grade student plays a role in reverently acting out the suffering and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Students in Grades K-7 are led through the Living Stations by an 8th grader who narrates and accompanies them in prayer and worship.
Feast of the Guardian Angels - The Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2nd is celebrated in a special way by our 1st grade students. Dressed as guardian angels, these little ones visit St. George Village, the Catholic retirement home on our campus, to recite the Guardian Angel prayer, pass out handmade angel bookmarks, and sing to the residents.
The Living Rosary - The Feast of the Holy Rosary, celebrated on October 7th, allows our community to come together for the recitation of a Living Rosary in honor of our Blessed Mother. A silent and reverent procession results in the student body forming the shape of the Holy Rosary, student-led with each class leading a particular mystery.
Vocations Awareness - Each November, Queen of Angels Catholic School participates in Vocations Awareness Month by praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life and by listening to a series of speakers. Our students hear the wonderful vocation stories of priests, deacons, and religious, and also have a chance to ask our guests any questions they have about vocations.
May Procession and the Crowning of Mary - As the Roman Catholic Church dedicates the month of May to our Blessed Mother, we process as a school community from Mass to the beautiful statue of Mary in front of our school. Each class places a bouquet of flowers at her feet given to her by our families. Two eighth-grade students crown Mary with a wreath of roses. Following the coronation of Mary, we recite the Holy Rosary and the Litany of Mary as a community.
Nativity Prayer Service - Each December, in preparation for Christmas, students work to produce a prayer service for our parents and guests. Kindergarten students reenact the Nativity of our Lord on stage while Middle School lectors read from the Gospel and lead the audience in prayer. Students in grades 1-5 and the Middle School choir present the music of the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Choir [Non-COVID-19 year] - Religious celebrations are enhanced by liturgical music presented by our student choirs under the direction of Deacon Dave Thomasberger. At Queen of Angels Catholic School, our Middle School Choir and After-School Choir present music with dedication and joy. The Middle School Choir is available for Grades 6-8 as a course elective. The After-School Choir is available to all Grade 1-8 students and meets once a week after school. To learn more about our dynamic choir programs, please click on the following links:
- After-School Choir, Grades 1-8
- Middle School Choir, Grades 6-8