Religion Curriculum
Religion - A Core Course
The religion curriculum introduces students to a comprehensive study of the Catholic faith in order for each to understand the importance of their own spirituality, the impact of religion in our world, and apply the values of tolerance, reverence, and respect. Through the integration of religion into all subjects areas, Queen of Angels prepares students to become leaders and young people of virtue, of conviction, and who can appreciate the powerful, positive role values that faith plays in shaping their own lives and the future of human kind. We instill in students the desire to strive for peace and justice, respect the dignity of every human being, and be of service to others.
Religion is a core course taught throughout all grade levels and is the underpinning of the educational experience at Queen of Angels Catholic School.
- Grades K-8 use the We Believe text series by Sadlier in daily religious instruction.
- A weekly Mass is celebrated at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church. Students serve as lectors, ushers, and the QA choir provides the music.
- Students participate in frequent, grade-level celebration of the sacraments.
- Each homeroom is scheduled for an annual service project.
- Students in grades 3-8 participate in class retreats.
- Grade 8 attends an 3-day, 2-night retreat at CoveCrest facilitated by the LifeTeen missionaries.
- Grades K-8 have the opportunity to facilitate and participate in liturgical celebrations - Living Rosary, Adoration, Living Stations of the Cross.